Friday, April 10, 2015

Day 89 – Overcoming

I have always found it strange that people have a tendency to have more fears as adults then when they are younger. It would seem to me that wisdom that comes with aging would make people less afraid. But I guess the realities of life create and evolve our fears as we age. When I was young, I was literally afraid of nothing – almost to the point of being reckless at times. I always called it being a free spirit (which I truly still am) but I think back then, well into my 20’s I was just fearless.

Now I have developed a few irrational fears. I am a total chicken of driving in the rain (which I attribute to being raised in AZ). I also get very nervous with driving over large bridges (especially east coast bridges cause they are SO high and SO narrow!) no matter what the weather. And I hate driving in fog. (Driving in the snow doesn’t bother me at all…go figure lol)
Well, today I had somewhere to go, it was very important to me to be there on time no matter what. It was pouring down rain, a spectacularly dense fog and I had to drive over a super high, narrow and long bridge to get off the island. Basically, it was my fear trifecta!! Today was the day to conquer these ridiculous, unfounded fears once and for all!

I got in the car, gathered myself for a moment, took some very deep breaths (said a prayer) and went for it. I drove carefully and slowly and continued to remind myself that these are irrational fears. At one point, I called Vinny and he talked me through the highest part of the bridge which was a huge blessing. And sure enough….when I got to where I needed to be, I was still a little rattled but I was so very proud of myself.
Understand…in the past I would have totally opted to just stay home no matter how much I needed or wanted to go out. There were times in NC that I would just pull over and wait the rain out (but those storms tend to pass quickly). I am happy and proud and feel that there was a lot of growth in my intention today and I am one step closer to kicking irrational fears out of my life completely!! And by the way… I am so glad I got to where I needed to be cause it was an awesome day!!! When I drove home, it was still rainy, foggy and I had to go back over that dreaded bridge but I did it with little to no anxiety at all. #oweittoHeatherandthisblog #cheerstohealingintentions

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