Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Day 101- Planting Project

Happy Earth Day! I am happy to report that my family does recycle. I use canvas bags for some of my grocery trips, we are conscious of turning off the water while brushing our teeth and try to stay aware of our choices where we can- in helping to preserve and improve the health of this lovely earth. I buy local produce, meat and eggs and enjoy shopping at local farmers markets as well.

Today was very busy for me and I was not able to attend the Earth Day Soiree here in Newport. I got everything done that I needed to and made time to attend my Zumba class which was so much fun! It really was a good day through and through.
Meanwhile, my son has had a project he needed to complete for his Biology Honors class. For my intention (how fitting that today of all days) I offered to assist him with a project that involved the planting of multiple seeds. He will be comparing the growth of these seedlings between those planted in natural surroundings and those planted in a plastic egg container. There is more to the project but this is the gist of it.

I talked to him a bit while we were working about this day being Earth Day and what that means. Truly every day should be Earth Day to each of us, in hopes that all choices we make today create a better world for tomorrow. #HGAL #lovethisbeautifulplanet

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