Sunday, February 1, 2015

Day 21 - Sunset

It has been a beautiful Sunday. We had our Sunday services and a birthday party with all the family which was super nice. (Happy 7th Birthday Aiden baby!) Then we made our way back home for cooking and Superbowl festivities.

On the way home, I was thinking and talking to my husband about what I wanted to do for my day’s intention. As we were riding along and I was thinking about it, I noticed the sunset starting to take form. It was still in the distance but it was beautiful as so many here are. It made me think of a picture Heather sent me years ago when she and her husband went to Key West. She was standing there with a beautiful sunset behind her and she looked as pretty as ever.
So, I asked my husband if on the way home we could stop by the local beach to take a picture of me with the sunset behind me. Once we got there, most of the colors of the sunset were gone, but it was beautiful nonetheless. I sat there for a moment, noticing the moon out and shining bright although it wasn’t quite yet nighttime. I noticed the lights just beginning to come on in the large houses lining the beach cliff side. There was snow on the ground but it wasn’t too terribly cold. I listened to the waves nestling onto the sandy beach beside me. I paused briefly to just take it in and breathe.
Yes, this has been a very busy day (in a good way). But for those brief early evening moments, I enjoyed my beachside sunset and thought of the day in Key West that Heather did too.


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