Sunday, January 18, 2015

Day 7 - Phone Calls

So, today is Sunday. I love Sundays. They always have a slow paced start and a relaxing feel to them. My husband and I usually sleep in a bit (which for us usually doesn’t go past about 8:00am). After church, we usually just return home for a restful day of food, sports and whatnots.
In this day of mass technology, social media, texting, etc. it’s common to take the easy (and quick) way out in regards to communication. I recently was in a conversation with a family member about how much we dislike this “disconnected” way of life. Typing our words removes the emotion in a conversation which not only allows for misunderstandings but I feel it limits the fluidity of human interaction.
So, for today’s intention I have decided to contact each person of my family with an actual phone call. When it comes to my children (the ones that are grown and don’t live here anymore), I make sure to talk on the phone way more than texts, etc. I talk on the phone to my sister and mother quite often as well but surely not enough to my brothers and father. I often allow a quick text or a comment on social media sites to keep us united.
Today, I called my mother, father, sister and both brothers. I found myself having a wide variety of conversations with everyone. There was “catching up”, laughing and joking and I thoroughly enjoyed hearing their voices. Unfortunately, although I left a voice mail I did not hear back from one of my brothers by the time I wrote this blog. Hopefully he will call me tonight but if not I will try him again tomorrow.
I don’t know when the world made the official switch to social media or texts as opposed to real life talking, but this girl for one is going to make a point to go back to phone calls more often than not from here on out. As long as I have breath to breathe in these lungs, I choose to take every moment I can to connect on a deeper level with my family members and friends. I choose to be more present in the lives of my nieces and nephews also and intend to call them all this week as well.  

I wish I would have called Heather every single day when I had the chance. I will not allow that to happen again. #lessonlearned

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you but many prefer texting to talking, personally I like the sound of my family and friends voices as opposed to typing on this little keyboard. By the was nice talking to you today. 😊😘 (and day before and day before and day before, etc)


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