Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Day 10 - Italian

One day I’m going to….

This is just a fancy way of saying "I wish but probably never will". “One day” can be a dangerous part of any phrase. I have been saying for far too many years that one day I am going to Europe. I want to see Italy and Germany especially. It seems like every time I get close to taking a European vacation, something derails my plans. Over the years we’ve instead opted for Cabo, Mazatlan and other Mexican destinations, Jamaica, Atlantis, the Cayman Islands and other Caribbean destinations. I’ve also been all around the United States for the exception of maybe 3-4 states. These vacations have been amazing and I’m truly grateful but I wish now, looking back, that I would have held out for my dream.
I’ve realized that if I don’t align my life to lead directly to my dreams and goals then I may never attain them. My “one day” may never come and it will eventually be too late. So, with that in mind, today my intention is to begin to align my life and prepare for my European destination. First stop, Italy! So, I pulled out all of my “Learn to Speak Italian” books and CD’s and just went for it! I completed the first unit of the first CD and corresponding book lesson. I have put a reminder in my phone that Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings are my Italian lesson days from here on. My future endeavor will be so much more enjoyable being at least semi-fluent in the local dialect.

I’m not sure if Heather got to do all of the travels her heart desired. I have always had a strong desire to be in Europe and choose to take a road leading me there while I still have the chance. This was a very busy day for me. However, I am once again feeling rewarded with the time I carved out of my day to complete my intention and am truly blessed with the impact this blog is having on my life.


1 comment:

  1. Great plan! I don't know much Italian - vino and pizza!! (Corny I know). You go girl!!


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