Sunday, July 12, 2015

Day 182 – Art Festival

Today was a perfect New England day. After Vinny and I had brunch and a brief stop at the beach- we picked up my mom and for my intention headed to a nearby art festival in Wickford, RI. I have been seeing signs for it around and have heard it was really amazing. Honestly, had it not been for this blog we probably wouldn’t have gone because today would have been a perfect day to just be a beach bum all day. But, I said I wanted to do this art festival for my intention and thank goodness I did. The beach will be there every day but this is only once a year.

So, first of all it was so much bigger than I thought it would be. There were hundreds of tents set up everywhere all up and down the streets of this quaint, rustic, beach town. There were beautiful bridges, water views, amazing architecture, live music and some of the nicest people ever! As we walked around we looked at the brilliant and unique art pieces, statues, sculptures, and even some clothes and jewelry. Vinny and I ended up getting our caricature done which was totally random and funny. We ended up buying a piece of art for our home that we both simply could not live without. To us, the piece we chose represents New England in such a fun and appropriate manner, especially these summer months. The moment we came home we got it hung up and it looks amazing with its bright, vibrant colors and happy vibe.
Here’s to another amazing blog intention on a fabulous summer day. #HGAL #summerlove

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