Sunday, December 20, 2015

Day 343 – Santa and the Shark!

Happy Sunday!! What an amazing day from beginning to end. Bright and early this morning, my son Micah and I went to watch the sunrise at the beach. It was cold but the air was invigorating. The sunrise was so beautiful and walking along with my son just talking and hanging out was so perfect. We stopped for coffee and had a great morning. After Sunday services, I went with Micah as he did his Christmas shopping then we ran some errands. I had mentioned earlier in the day that while we were out I would see if there was something we could do for my blog intention.

We had stopped in Walmart to pick up some items real quick and as we walked by a particular area Micah said, “Hey mom, why don’t you get your picture taken with Santa?” He pointed over and I hadn’t even noticed that Santa was there but not one person was taking a picture with him. I laughed and said, “No, I don’t think so buddy.” The lady taking the picture asked me to as well and again I said no thank you. Then Micah looked at me kind of sideways and said “Come on mom- you can do it for your intention.” I started laughing and said, “Ok fine, but you have to take it with me.” He laughed and agreed and to Santa we went.
Anyhow, once we were done with errands- Micah went to the gym and because the day was so beautiful I decided to go walk the beach again and enjoy the sunshine. As I was walking, something caught my attention in the water. As I approached closer, I noticed it was some sort of fish. Then, low and behold as I came right upon it, I realized just what I was seeing….it was a shark!! Just a moment later when I was trying to determine if it was dead or alive, a Seagull flew over and pecked at it. It started flopping all around like crazy so I yelled and shewed the bird away. The tide was rolling in but not strong enough to pull it back into the ocean.

Just a little down the way was a couple walking their dogs. I called for them to come see the shark and see if we could help him back into the water somehow. It looked like maybe a baby or very young shark and I couldn’t bear to see it suffer. The guy walked right up to it- grabbed it by the tail and chucked it way into the water. He started swimming all around franticly and we thought he was saved. But sure enough, he turned and started swimming right for us again and ended up washing back onto the shore again. So the guy said “Ok buddy, let’s try this again.” He picked it up and threw him hard and far. He plopped into the water, we saw his fin for a bit swimming about and then he was gone. So the couple left and I just watched- assuming he was good to go.
A couple of minutes later, I saw him again and he got rolled right back onto the beach. So, knowing that my son’s gym was just down the road- I went and picked him up and we rushed back. I told him on the way he wasn’t going to believe what he was about to see. By the time we got back to the spot, there was another guy there with his dog and he was attempting to throw him back as well. He stopped and let Micah pick it up. We took a couple of pictures and Micah threw him back.

Unfortunately, this was not a good day for the shark. Once again he rolled back onto the beach and this time with much less life in him. I don’t know if he made it or not but when we left he was still on the beach. The tide was still rolling in so I hope it was able to take him back where he belonged. Either way, this was such a crazy experience! We tried to help the little shark by throwing him back and how many times in a person’s life can you say that happened?!?!?
Later my mom came over, the kids, Vinny and I hung out while I cooked a huge meal and the house was filled with family, conversation, stories, laughter, good food and fun. This is what Sunday’s are all about! #Cheers #HGAL
This mornings sunrise

Micah and I with Santa lol

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