Saturday, October 24, 2015

Day 286 – Make a Difference

Today is National Make a Difference Day! As my day began and Vinny and I began running our errands, I mentioned to him that I wanted to participate in this National Day for my intention.

What does it really take to make a difference? In some cases it can be a monetary donation, opening your home to foster a child, mentoring someone, volunteering or some other type of gesture. In other cases it could mean offering a smile or simple “good morning” to someone that looks out of sorts or like they are having a bad day or even just holding the door for someone. Sometimes a compliment could make a huge difference in the day of someone. Making a difference comes in many forms and many degrees.
I did not want to plan out my ways to make a difference today. I wanted the opportunity to present itself to me, for me to recognize it and take the opportunity. First, we decided to go feed the birds. The weather is changing and getting colder and I am always concerned about the animals and how they make it through these cold days. It was quite the frenzy but Vinny and I had fun feeding them and some other people at the beach were smiling and taking pictures at the sight- there were well over 100 seagulls around us!

Afterwards, we headed to Dunkin Donuts for a nice hot cup of coffee. Vinny and I decided that we would pay for the next person that came through the drive through (we were inside). So I mentioned to the girl working that it was National Make a Difference Day and what we decided to do. The next guy ordered a large coffee only. After he pulled around to the window and they told him his order was paid for, they asked me if I would come over because he wanted to thank the person that did that. I wished him an awesome day and he was very appreciative (and looked fairly surprised).
Moments later as we were sitting there, a woman came in and paid for an order that contained 6 large bags of many boxes of doughnuts. She went out with half of it but couldn’t carry it all. So I decided to get up and get the rest of the bags and take them to her car for her. She was so thankful and surprised that I did that. She just kept saying thank you over and over and I was fairly saddened for a brief moment that someone would be that surprised at another persons’ kindness. But I told her it was no problem really and wished her an awesome weekend. Clearly just our time at D&D’s made the difference in the day of 2 strangers.

I decided that I wanted to stop and get my mom flowers to make the difference in her day. To take it one step further, I invited her over for dinner as well. We ended up deciding on a beautiful house plant and my mom was both surprised and super happy.
I wish every day was Make a Difference day, which for each of us it really can be if we so choose.  I must admit that although it may have made a difference in their day – it truly made a difference in mine as well. Kindness always feels so good and usually helps the giver as much as the receiver but being kind with intention is awesome squared!! #lovetoday #HappySaturday #HGAL

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