Sunday, September 6, 2015

Day 238 – Yacht Parade

This weekend hosts the 36th Annual Classic Yacht Regatta. There were a slew of events in regards to this celebration all weekend at the local “Fort Adams.” For my intention today I decided to walk over with Vinny this morning to view the annual Yacht Parade. The boys were just waking up and opted not to go but that was fine….hand in hand Vinny and I made our way down the road to Kings Park, which sits ocean side and just across the water parallel to the Fort. We walked along the jetty to the very end and sat on the large rocks. The sun was beaming bright and it was fairly warm but the ocean breeze made the weather truly perfect.

We watched as the parade of yachts and sailboats of all sizes went around the bay. Some crews had matching nautical outfits on, some sang their maritime tunes in perfect unison, some boats had tons of people on them and others with just what seemed to be family. We saw kayakers paddling through and even a couple of paddle boarders roaming through the waters for an up close and personal view. A police boat led the brigade and randomly sounded his siren and flashed his lights. As they arrived to the Fort one by one, a massive cannon went off, booming the sound and smoke into the air and across the bay.
Afterwards, Vinny and I went for a little window shopping and walk through town as the streets began to rapidly fill with people. The rest of the day was one of family, food, some chores and relaxation. Even now as I sit here on my deck writing this blogpost- I am appreciative of the most beautiful, colorful sunset with many of the boats still in view. The crowds have not yet fully subsided and even that just livens up the evening. Happy Sunday Funday!! #HGAL

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