Sunday, May 3, 2015

Day 112 – Unwind the mind

We spent our day in Massachusetts with family for Anthony’s (our grandson through Vinny’s daughter) first baseball game of the season. We didn’t realize until we got there that it was a double header. It was a beautiful day out for sure- bright and sunny for most of the day. The game was going on and everyone was socializing. At one point we put on some music and the kids played together on the grassy area beside the field. Baby Sophia truly stole the show with her unbelievably advanced nature - she’s talking up a storm, super independent and so full of personality. She stayed happy and content the entire time (over 5 hrs), which was simply amazing to me. Today I showed her how to put her sunglasses on her head and she caught right on and kept them there most of the day. If they fell down, she made sure to put them right back up- it was a crack up!

At first, as I was watching the game – I found myself thinking of all kind of random things, my mind was just wandering. So I decided my intention for the day was to simply unwind my mind. Not think about my upcoming week and impending travel plans. I wanted to be mindful of not consuming myself with the details of the projects I have going on or anything else. I just wanted to disconnect, unwind and be in the moment. And that is exactly what I did.

I enjoyed the family, the kids and the afternoon in the fresh air. And as for our evening, instead of trying to catch up on all the things that could be getting done…I decided to follow suit with my lovely day and simply remain relaxed and enjoy the end of my weekend with my amazing family. #HGAL365  

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