Friday, October 16, 2015

Day 278 – Jell-O Shots

I have an awesome intention planned for tomorrow that I am preparing for today. So for today’s intention I decided to take a fun step outside of my “norm” and make some awesome treats that I have never made before- Jell-O Shots and Rummy Gummies!! I am also making some appetizers and snacks but my intention is to make these drink treats that I have never attempted before.

I have had plenty of occasions in the past when I was out or at gatherings that someone made Jell-O shots and I partake. In fact, it makes me think back to a time I had a party at a night club in Arizona many years ago and Heather and her husband came from California to go to it and we had Jell-O shots together that night. I have a picture from that night in fact (quite a few shots in lol) where Heather, me and my friend Allison were getting ready to take our Jell-O shots and dabbed the whip crème on our noses just being silly. That was such an awesome night and weekend. They stayed at my house and the entire weekend was full of cooking and eating, laughing and reminiscing and I remember it so vividly.
Anyhow, I digress… I have never actually made Jell-O shots. I had also come across a really fun looking recipe on Pinterest called “Rummy Gummies” that I just had to try as well. So, I called my mom to come over and hang out with us, have dinner and join me in tonight’s intention.

After dinner, we made Berry Blue and Cherry Jell-O shots and made individual cups of the Rummy Bears that have been soaking for a couple of days. They were super easy to make actually. We had the music going, Vinny was there hanging out with us and of course I can always be counted on to dance around a bit and just have a fun, silly time. This simple intention made me think so much about Heather because together we were always just that: silly, fun, singing, dancing, talking and laughing- just so full of life. I embrace exactly that today and always- not only for myself but on behalf of my lovely cousin and friend. #Cheers  #missingHGAL #singdanceandloveyourlife

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