Monday, September 7, 2015

Day 239 – Tour Guide

This morning began with a workout date with my son Micah. I’m so excited to have my gym buddy back! I work out more when he is around because he keeps me motivated and focused. Anyhow, after getting back home, having some breakfast and hanging out for a while, I decided for my intention today to take him on a tour of Newport. Elijah was out and about with his buddies and Vinny was at work so it was just my Micah and me.

The streets were packed with people. The weather was truly perfect for walking. I showed him so many places I have already had so many intentions. I showed him the underground taverns, the wharf, many piers nearby, some of my favorite shops and restaurants too. I took him by the water taxis, ferries, and up close and personal where the yachts dock. We went to a beautiful historic hotel and walked around inside. We went into a local French Patisserie that specialized in wine and cheese and lingered a bit looking at all the different foods and talking to the staff. We went into the Tennis Hall of Fame even and just looked at the sights and talked about sports a bit. We stopped for drinks and then I just HAD to take him to Cupcake Charlie’s and let him experience the best dessert ever!!
We walked for a couple of hours. We made a few plans for some upcoming intentions and I was just smiling ear to ear and so happy to have him by my side today. When we got home, Vinny was back and we made an early dinner. By that point Elijah was back and my mom had also come over. We watched a movie together and that completed my amazing day and another fabulous intention…..who’da thunk it…me, Newport’s Tour Guide- lol. #HGAL

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