Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Day 2 - Recipes

Yesterday I was talking to my sister and she told me she will be visiting Heathers husband and kids coming up soon. She had an idea for us to get together some recipes that would be quick and easy for him to be able to make the kids. So today, that is what I did. I got together and typed out 17 recipes that included main dishes, side dishes, desserts, etc. I also did a tidbit page with little facts that most of us women take for granted like “how to perfectly boil an egg”, etc.

 One of my funniest memories of Heather in regards to cooking is when we were roommates (when my boyfriend lived with us too). At the time I had two kids, one of which was just an infant. I was 18 years old and at that time anyways I had NO IDEA WHATSOEVER how to cook. But that surely didn’t stop me from trying. Years later, we used to look back and laugh so hard at me standing in the grocery store freaking out, confused and desperate sometimes even literally crying not knowing what to cook, how to cook it or what to do (back then I couldn’t just hop on my phone and google a quick recipe or something). I could only feed everyone so much Chef-Boyardee, tuna and frozen pizzas, lol. My boyfriend at the time was very demanding about home cooked meals, so Taco Bell and McDonald's were out too. 

Anyhow, she agreed to help me start with trying to make breakfast. So we got our supplies and decided on scrambled eggs, bacon and grits with biscuits. Yup, we were really going for gold.

 So, she was in charge of the bacon cause she said she knew how (from watching her mom) and she just kept saying that the key was turning them constantly. Sure enough, she cooked up some amazing bacon! Meanwhile, I was in charge of the grits and eggs. We just put the biscuits in the oven at the required temp and figured that would be a “no brainer”.

Meanwhile, I had the “instant” grits. I followed the instructions, covered them and moved on to the eggs. At that time, neither one of us realized that scrambled eggs should be mixed with milk to be good. But I put them in the skillet and mixed them together. Ugh- yup, that’s right they ended up like hard fried eggs. I piled them on our plates anyhow while she just kept cool, telling me they were "just fine" and not to worry about it, and if he was hungry enough, he’d eat it. (I loved that philosophy so I was on board)!

 Anyhow, then I took the top off the grits and she looked at me with that scrunched, crazy face she used to make and was like “Girl, something doesn’t look right”. So she took a fork and stuck it right in the center and what she did next literally had us doubled over cracking up (and laughing for years and years to come when recalling this story). She literally pulled the entire hard, dry, CLUMP of grits out by the fork. She was standing there in the middle of our kitchen holding what appeared to be a “grits popsicle” shaped like the small saucepan. She pretended like she was gonna eat it off the fork and we just couldn’t stop laughing.

 Of course too, after all that craziness, no one even gave a thought about the biscuits until we could smell them burning. Sure enough, they had morphed into little crispy, stinky hockey pucks!

Anyhow, that morning we all had bacon for breakfast. To this day, every single time I have ever made bacon I think of her saying again and again…”the key is to turn it constantly” and that’s just what I do and it comes out perfect every time.  
Me and Heather with the 2 kids around that time

We were 16 yrs old here- at her moms house
 Heathers "scrunched, crazy" face (and notice, we're eating tuna!) LOL


  1. I love the memories and the pictures!! I know you both shared laughter and tears.

  2. We shared so many more laughs and good times than ever tears. Those were so few and far between...especially for her cause she was one of the strongest women I've ever known!


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