Thursday, December 31, 2015

Day 354 – New Year’s Eve

Happy New Year’s Eve!! Today was a busy day for me but a truly good day. We aren’t going out tonight because I am still trying to fight off a bit of a head cold and am just not up to it (it’s pretty cold out there) lol. However, as I am here with my family this evening….there truly isn’t anywhere else I would rather be. I am thinking of this year, 2015 and I am truly thankful for every aspect of this past year. I am especially appreciative for all this blog has done in my life- so many new experiences- so many amazing people in my life- so much healing and so much giving back.

I am excited to see what 2016 has in store. I am looking to begin a new weekly blog after this one ends. Other than my favorite part of life, my family and friends-  we have a couple of trips in mind, I am looking to get more involved in giving back to the community and look very forward to publishing my book I have been writing for the last few years. I am excited for skiing in the winter and frolicking Oceanside in the summer. I am looking forward to the first true snowfall and spring flowers. I love the seasons, I love the variety and I truly LOVE Newport!
As far as my intention goes for today….did you know it is National Champagne Day? How very fitting right?!?! So, I got a bottle of my favorite Champagne, La Marca Prosecco and it is being chilled now- awaiting the big moment. Ringing in the New Year really is the perfect opportunity to celebrate this day for sure. So, here’s to a beautiful, healthy, prosperous, family-friends and fun filled 2016 to us all!! #Cheers #Godbless #andforeverHGAL

La Marca Prosecco- HAPPY NEW YEAR!!


Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Day 353 – National Bacon Day

When I heard it was National Bacon Day, I just knew I had to find a way to make it my intention. Everyone in my family loves bacon! So I decided to make something I saw on a menu in a restaurant a while back. I didn’t actually order it but it intrigued me.

I made BLT’s but added an over medium egg and sliced avocado. Even better yet, I served it in a soft, fresh, top split roll which kept it from all falling apart. I made rosemary parmesan fries on the side and dinner was served!! It was all extremely delish and a big hit with the fam and I am happy to have participated in this national day. I hope everyone is having an awesome day. Yaaaay bacon! #HGAL

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Day 352 – Friendly Challenge

I asked my friend Tammy if she would like to participate in my blog today. We both were talking about how much we loved this past summer but with an amazing summer comes the proof in the pounds. We are both looking to lose approx. 15 pounds so I issued a friendly challenge.

I offered that we come up with a good time frame to lose the weight in a healthy manner and whoever meets the goal and or exceeds it the farthest has to treat the other to lunch in Boston. Well, Tammy took it one step further and added the idea of a pedicure as well. It was the perfect idea- lunch and pedi’s for us both but paid in full for the winner! However, obviously we will both be winners because we will both be reaching our goals in some or total capacity.  

So, we will weigh in after the first of the year and the final weigh in will be March 31. I’m excited because I find it so much easier to obtain my goals when there is accountability involved. Also, a little friendly competition is quite motivating. I’m really excited to begin and I believe she is too.
We took a “before” picture for the blog. Here’s to reaching goals with friends! #HGAL

Monday, December 28, 2015

Day 351 – Waffle-Mania

One of my favorite moments this Christmas was when I opened my gift from my middle son, Micah. Now don’t get me wrong – I loved everything I received this Christmas from everyone but this one was super cool on another level. He bought me a waffle maker. Now the gift itself is good enough but the back story is what touched my heart.

Months ago, just in very random conversation I said I was thinking of getting a waffle maker. Micah was in the room and heard how I went on about how I not only wanted to make waffles but I wanted to try to cook cinnamon rolls and hash browns and other stuff in it as well. I had seen the recipes on Pinterest and really wondered if they worked. But with everything else going on, I guess I just never got around to it.
So, imagine my surprise when I opened up a waffle maker from him on Christmas. He was smiling so big and when I looked at him I said, “OMG, you remembered”??? It was so awesome and thoughtful. I ran to him and gave him a huge hug thanking him and was truly excited. I also thought that I did something really right with these boys because they are all clearly prepped to be guys who listen!! LOL

Even though I kid- I really was touched by that. The thoughtfulness from my boys is so wildly above and beyond and I am feeling quite blessed. So, for dinner tonight I not only made the waffles (and they were truly delish!! Hungry Jack mix is so amazing) but I also made hash browns and cinnamon rolls in the waffle maker (not to mention bacon and eggs on the side). Vinny was there helping every step of the way as he always does and together we made a breakfast feast for dinner with a “waffle-mania” theme for my intention.
Happy Monday!! #YUM #Cheers #HGAL
Waffles and bacon, bottom left are hash browns, bottom right are cinnamon rolls!!

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Day 350 – Star Wars

For my intention today, I wanted to be able to see Star Wars with the kids. We used to go to the movies together so often and even though it seems like a small outing, seeing movies together was something we just loved to do and I miss it so much. Having the kids together the last few days- it only seemed fitting that we made our way to the movies. What better movie to see than the latest installment of Star Wars?!?!? We picked up my mom and headed over.

I remember seeing this movie as a kid and loving it then. However, I will say this one was the best of all. It was funny which was unexpected. The drama was good and I loved how it tied together. We all had a great time and enjoyed it very much.
In the car as we were driving, the song “When I see you again” that I dedicated to Heather in an earlier blog came on over the radio. Brian and I were singing and I said “This is my song to Heather, let’s all sing”. It was a beautiful moment and I was glad to have the boys a part of it.

Happy Sunday! #HGAL

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Day 349 – The Christmas City

Ok, so I know Christmas is officially over but it’s still the holiday season. In the spirit of that, today for my intention we went to The Christmas City in Taunton, Massachusetts.

From the second I opened my eyes this morning, I spent every waking moment with the family. After breakfast, the boys played games for a bit and for a while Brian and I spent some alone time walking around town as he was doing a little shopping and I was showing him some of my favorite spots. It was a very nice afternoon for sure. After, we all met back at the house and sat around together chatting and watching some Friends reruns for a little bit which was super relaxing and nice (the boys and I used to love to binge watch Friends, King of Queens or Big Bang Theory reruns and sit around talking).
Later, in the early evening, we headed to Taunton (the boys had plans) and while we were there I asked Vinny if he and I could go see The Christmas City. It’s in the center of town and it is the best Christmas setup I have seen all year. We circled the round-about and then parked and walked through. Everything was so festive (and merry and bright lol). I realized right then and there that I so wish the holiday season lasted a bit longer- it really is such a happy time of year. But that’s ok- I will set my eyes next to New Years!!

Either way…this was a great Saturday. #Cheers #HGAL

Friday, December 25, 2015

Day 348 – Christmas Pictures

Merry Christmas!!

Waking up to my family all together under one roof on Christmas morning was truly the best gift I could have ever received. Family breakfast began our day as we sat around the table eating, talking, waking up and just having a wonderful, lazy morning together. I thought so much about past times when the boys would wake Vinny and I up at the crack of dawn – so excited to open their gifts. Their little faces so lit up with excitement, in their pjs and messy hair begging us to please hurry and get up. And of course we would get right up and they would rush to the tree and begin sifting through the mountain of gifts and one at a time they would rip into each present.
It’s so funny because as grown men (and one young adult) Christmas morning goes very different these days. We all slept in. We woke up slowly, got coffee, had breakfast and then opened gifts. Everyone was so happy with what they gave and received. We hung out for a bit and then I told the kids what I wanted to do for my intention.

My idea was to take family pictures at the beach. We got our Santa hats, picked up my mom and headed on over. I can’t believe how unseasonably warm it was- New England in December and it was in the high 60’s! There were quite a few people there. I took off my shoes, put my feet in the sand and took a deep breath of the fresh ocean air. I was so above and beyond happy for this moment with my family. We took a ton of pictures. We had so much fun as we did- laughing and being silly at times, coming up with some really fun poses and just hanging out together on a glorious day. (I had such a hard time narrowing it down to what pics I would put on the blog).
After enjoying our beach time, we came on home and Vinny and I got cookin! I love that every holiday he is in the kitchen with me from beginning to end. We have so much fun cooking together. This Christmas was pure perfection for me and I am thankful for every part of this day. I sincerely hope you, my readers, had a perfect Christmas filled with good cheer, family, friends, great food and more. #Cheers #HGAL

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Day 347 – Christmas Eve

Merry Christmas Eve everyone!! It really is the MOST wonderful time of the year!!

I started my day bright and early, enjoying a catered Christmas breakfast with friends and co-workers and exchanged gifts and enjoyed the company of many wonderful people for my morning. Later in the afternoon, the family and I headed into Massachusetts to have Christmas Eve with our family. The family, friends and food were perfection. I love to hear the stories from yester-year, laugh and talk with everyone. Elijah did some card tricks for everyone and was a huge hit! Brian and Micah also mingled in and because it was so unbelievably and unseasonably warm out (65 degrees) we were able to hang outside on the deck as well as inside.
There is a fun tradition here that we got in on this year as well. Everyone pitches in $20 and is able to pick from the bowl of either one $20 or any combination of $5 and over cards that equal up to $20 in scratcher lottery tickets. Then everyone’s name is picked one at a time and they choose. Once everyone has their cards, we counted down 3,2,1 GO!! And everyone scratched. Vinny and I won $20 which was cool- maybe next year we’ll hit the millions- lol.

Anyhow, this was another awesome Christmas Eve. My family is together and I am taking the time to say a prayer of thanks. I sincerely hope this holiday season finds all of you, my readers, in good health, together with family and friends and full of the Christmas spirit. #Cheers #HGAL


Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Day 346 – Christmas Trivia

So after a truly nice day, I made a Mexican food feast for my family for dinner. This is pretty much my forte so it’s what Brian requests when he is home and I am always happy to oblige. Dinner is my favorite time of the day when my family is all together especially. Just sitting around the table, enjoying a great meal, talking- laughing and being together, fills my soul with joy.

Anyhow, for my intention today, I printed off some Christmas trivia and after dinner we sat around and gave it a go. We didn’t know a lot of the answers so it actually ended up being more informative but of course we still truly had a great time hanging out together. It wasn’t a long intention but I’m again just happy that the boys and Vin are always so willing to join in my blog’s intention. #Cheers #HGAL

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Day 345 – Share the Warmth

Today is one of the best days of my year. My oldest son Brian is here for the holidays and my family is all back together. I am so happy he is doing so well in life, that is all a parent wants but being away from any of my kids is not easy at all. So from the second I opened my eyes this morning, I was so happy in every way. It kind of makes my intention today all the better to be quite honest…to be able to give back to the community.

Today is the official first day of winter. In the spirit of that today and in anticipation for what’s coming, I decided to give the Martin Luther King shelter some blankets. I know the “Share the Warmth” movement is officially about giving coats but why stop there. People need blankets too right? These are some really cold winters out here and it breaks my heart to think of anyone out there in the cold.
So I asked my friends Tammy and Kim if they wanted to get in on this intention and they both did. I was so happy to take over the bags and armfuls of blankets to this facility first thing this morning. The ladies there were so happy and thankful for our donation. This was a great intention and a true special thanks to Tammy and Kim for always being willing to participate in my intentions for this blog, Heather would be so touched and proud. #Cheers #HGAL

Monday, December 21, 2015

Day 344 – Unique “Tasting”

Happy Monday!! Today for my intention I agreed to attend an upcoming event. It’s in a couple of weeks and normally I am not sure if this would have been for me but since I agreed to go, I find myself getting excited for the possibilities of what I may learn and the experience of it.

It is a private olive oil tasting at a local olive oil store called Virgin & Aged. The owner is giving a private tasting and will be there to educate us on her products as well as answer any questions we may have. Light refreshments and wine will be served to compliment the oils and vinegars.
As of right now, I do use olive oil to cook and have had a couple of infused olive oils I have dabbled with but I do not cook too much with vinegar. I understand the healing properties of both and am excited to learn how to properly include infused vinegars with my food.

I sincerely look forward to this class and have the blog to be grateful for again as I am reaching out to do something I may not have done before. #Cheers #HGAL

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Day 343 – Santa and the Shark!

Happy Sunday!! What an amazing day from beginning to end. Bright and early this morning, my son Micah and I went to watch the sunrise at the beach. It was cold but the air was invigorating. The sunrise was so beautiful and walking along with my son just talking and hanging out was so perfect. We stopped for coffee and had a great morning. After Sunday services, I went with Micah as he did his Christmas shopping then we ran some errands. I had mentioned earlier in the day that while we were out I would see if there was something we could do for my blog intention.

We had stopped in Walmart to pick up some items real quick and as we walked by a particular area Micah said, “Hey mom, why don’t you get your picture taken with Santa?” He pointed over and I hadn’t even noticed that Santa was there but not one person was taking a picture with him. I laughed and said, “No, I don’t think so buddy.” The lady taking the picture asked me to as well and again I said no thank you. Then Micah looked at me kind of sideways and said “Come on mom- you can do it for your intention.” I started laughing and said, “Ok fine, but you have to take it with me.” He laughed and agreed and to Santa we went.
Anyhow, once we were done with errands- Micah went to the gym and because the day was so beautiful I decided to go walk the beach again and enjoy the sunshine. As I was walking, something caught my attention in the water. As I approached closer, I noticed it was some sort of fish. Then, low and behold as I came right upon it, I realized just what I was seeing….it was a shark!! Just a moment later when I was trying to determine if it was dead or alive, a Seagull flew over and pecked at it. It started flopping all around like crazy so I yelled and shewed the bird away. The tide was rolling in but not strong enough to pull it back into the ocean.

Just a little down the way was a couple walking their dogs. I called for them to come see the shark and see if we could help him back into the water somehow. It looked like maybe a baby or very young shark and I couldn’t bear to see it suffer. The guy walked right up to it- grabbed it by the tail and chucked it way into the water. He started swimming all around franticly and we thought he was saved. But sure enough, he turned and started swimming right for us again and ended up washing back onto the shore again. So the guy said “Ok buddy, let’s try this again.” He picked it up and threw him hard and far. He plopped into the water, we saw his fin for a bit swimming about and then he was gone. So the couple left and I just watched- assuming he was good to go.
A couple of minutes later, I saw him again and he got rolled right back onto the beach. So, knowing that my son’s gym was just down the road- I went and picked him up and we rushed back. I told him on the way he wasn’t going to believe what he was about to see. By the time we got back to the spot, there was another guy there with his dog and he was attempting to throw him back as well. He stopped and let Micah pick it up. We took a couple of pictures and Micah threw him back.

Unfortunately, this was not a good day for the shark. Once again he rolled back onto the beach and this time with much less life in him. I don’t know if he made it or not but when we left he was still on the beach. The tide was still rolling in so I hope it was able to take him back where he belonged. Either way, this was such a crazy experience! We tried to help the little shark by throwing him back and how many times in a person’s life can you say that happened?!?!?
Later my mom came over, the kids, Vinny and I hung out while I cooked a huge meal and the house was filled with family, conversation, stories, laughter, good food and fun. This is what Sunday’s are all about! #Cheers #HGAL
This mornings sunrise

Micah and I with Santa lol

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Day 342 – Christmas in Sign

Unfortunately, Vinny and I had to cancel our plans for the 3rd Christmas party that was scheduled for this evening in Massachusetts with a group our friends. Therefore, I had to come up with something else for todays intention. I checked my areas local listings and found a very unique event going on just down the road that we popped on over to.

We attended the 27th Annual Christmas in Sign. The Casino Theater here in Newport hosted the event. The event was actually free and open to the public which was nice as well. I have never been in this building before. Again, no detail was missed. The walls, ceilings, balcony seating and more just left us looking in awe. It is a fairly small venue but perfect for today’s event. 

So, after taking our seats- as the lights went down and the curtain went up, the lovely holiday music began. Under black lights the holiday songs were performed in sign language. The illuminated hands performed in unison to create a visual entertainment like I haven’t seen before. For one song Santa came out, for another Frosty the Snowman. And yet another the Virgin Mary and Joseph came out with baby Jesus in their hands- they made their way through the audience and onto the stage to deliver the baby into the basket as silent night was performed.
This was a very unique performance and experience and we were happy to have included this in our day. #HGAL

Friday, December 18, 2015

Day 341 – Cape Christmas Party

So… today was my Christmas party #2 at Kathy’s summer house on the Cape. I went down late afternoon cause it’s a bit of a drive but I just LOVE this area so much! She is so amazing and such a wonderful hostess in every way and of course didn’t miss a step…from the food to the music to the perfect group of ladies that offered fun, amazing conversation along with plenty of laughs, great food and drinks- this was a PERFECT night! From Kathy dancing, to the gift swap to catching up and getting to know each other even better- this night was great.

For the gift swap I was super excited to get Cards Against Humanity as my gift. So now we are about to play it and I have to get back to my party so I’m going to go but was able to take some pics of the night so far. Cherries infused with rum and the gift exchange are just a few but I am SO excited to return. So, with this I say….good night dear readers and again I wish you a very Merry Christmas and happy holiday season. #Cheers #HGAL


Thursday, December 17, 2015

Day 340 – Christmas Party (Newport Girls)

Merry Christmas. Let the holiday parties begin!!! I love this time of year so much- friends, family, food and lots of holiday parties. Today’s intention was my holiday party #1. There were 20 girls that showed up. Considering it was a blustery, rainy, nasty night outside I am so glad that many came. Lisa had the top of a local pub, Buskers reserved for us and we had a gift exchange, amazing food and drinks. Everyone brought 2 dozen cookies as well. What I thought was going to be a cookie exchange ended up being so much more.

She made the center table a craft station and after the gift exchange it opened up for anyone that wanted to create and decorate cookie bags and fill them with cookies that she will deliver to the Senior Nursing Home in a nearby town. I was so happy to be a part of that. I was able to create only one bag because I was just so caught up in socializing but no worries…other ladies made the rest up. I made my rounds to pretty much every person there. Obviously, certain girls I visit with more because we are friends but it was nice to get to know some others this evening too.
There was a really delicious spread available for everyone- so I “carbed up” and moved on to my holiday spirits. They had everything available but the drinks of the evening were the gingerbread martini and the candy cane martini. I had the candy cane martini and it was delish! Tis’ the season right?!?!? Anyhow, I was so close to the house I was able to just walk home after the party since the weather had luckily died down. And now, I have a new spot that we are sure to visit again real soon, Buskers….yum!

Anyhow, let the holiday season and parties commence. #Cheers #HGAL


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Day 339 – Reach Out

Last night at book club, one of the ladies made the most unbelievable Brie dish. It had brown sugar and pecans and cranberries and everyone was just raving about how incredibly delicious it was. And needless to say it was gone so fast and the topic of discussion- huge hit for sure.

Today I was actually thinking about it during the day. I went on Pinterest and looked to see if I could download a similar Brie recipe. Then I started thinking about the blog. I decided for my intention today I would allow myself to reach out and simply ask. That may not seem like a big deal but it was to me because I don’t like to bother. I don’t know her all that well and didn’t want to reach out just when I wanted something from her. But then I thought again at how if it was my recipe I would be glad to share it and take it as a compliment to have someone ask.
So, I sent her the text and she answered right away- more than happy to share the recipe with me. I got the supplies and made it for an after dinner treat. It’s not what we are used to as far as desserts go but it was so delish and we truly enjoyed it! And like I said to Vinny, it’s good for us to try new things. The French eat cheese after their meal which is unique but now that I have tried it, I understand. I enjoy expanding my horizons and seeing how the other half do things. You should give it a whirl….you never know how much you may love something until you try. #Cheers #happyhumpday #HGAL

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Day 338 – Book Club

Today was my first official book club get together. I joined the book club for my intention but I must admit I am so happy I did. Did I read the entire book? No. I found it really hard to get into and even harder to keep my attention. I love to read but this particular selection was just not my style. They chose The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. It has so many rave reviews but to each their own cause I just couldn’t do it.

When I got there I almost immediately fessed up that I didn’t even read half the book. Come to find out there were a couple of others that hadn’t finished it either. But I found when we started talking about the book, the conversation went in so many directions and before I knew it- it was just a great group of spirited, opinionated ladies having an awesome evening together.  There was great food, desserts, drinks and lots of laughs and a wide variety of subjects to speak on.

I was there three hours that went by in a flash- you know the saying “time flies….”
We did pick our next book that is a super light read and from what I hear a super funny read at that. It’s called “Yes Please” by Amy Poehler. I mean come on, she is so hilarious that the book is absolutely going to have me in stitches I’m sure. While we were discussing good reads, I heard “Luckiest Girl Alive” is an amazing read as well and I fully intend to get to that asap as well.

Anyhow, happy reading if that’s what you do and I 100% give this book club intention two thumbs WAY up!!! #Cheers #HGAL     

Monday, December 14, 2015

Day 337 – Resolution Twist

So, it’s about that time…the turn of the year. I am absolutely a resolution girl. I love having goals and the New Year is a perfect time to revamp old goals and set new ones for the year ahead. I can’t believe it is going to be 2016 already. Time just goes so fast it’s unreal. This blog is winding down to a close and I am starting to think about what will come next. I am absolutely going to continue to blog- I am thinking I will begin a new weekly blog which would be awesome (stay tuned I’ll mention the new blog site before the end of this blog). This experience has been so healing, rewarding and just all around amazing in every way.  

Anyhow, I digress….for today’s intention I decided to sit down and start my New Year’s resolutions. Instead of the same old hum-drum resolution list however, I decided to spell things out a bit differently. I went on Pinterest and saved a picture that I will be sharing with you below. It lists things from this year and the upcoming New Year. I typed mine out on a document I saved in my computer. I listed all the categories. The only thing I did differently when I typed mine out was to add an unlimited “Goals” list at the bottom.
I wanted to do this a bit early before the year actually turned, that way now that my mind is thinking of it, I will be able to add and/or tweak things as I see fit. This was a nice intention and I look forward to a beautiful 2016 for sure! #Cheers #HGAL    

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Day 336 – The Giving Tree

Recently, our church put a tree up and hung tags on it for people to take and buy gifts for those less fortunate. When Vinny and I picked a tag, I was shocked to see what the request was. It was a request for a sweatshirt. That’s it….a sweatshirt! It really puts things in proper perspective and humbles me in such a major way to think that there are people out there knowing the winter is coming and all they want for Christmas is a piece of clothing to keep them warm. We gladly filled the request and were able to take it into services this morning.

Today was such a perfect day. Sundays are meant for services, family, friends and food and I am blessed to have had all of the above today. I hope all of you, my lovely readers – had an amazing weekend! #Cheers #HGAL

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Day 335 – Hand Bells, The Irish and The Elms

Like I’ve mentioned before….this town offers so much to do that sometimes I have a hard time narrowing it down to one thing for my intention. Today I chose three things…A Holiday Hand Bell Choir performance, a trip to the Irish Museum and a tour of another mansion, The Elms.

First of all, the Seamen’s Church Institute (that beautiful building I recently fell in love with) was offering free behind the scenes tours and a Hand Bell Choir performance today. Vinny and I walked down about 11:30 and commented on how absolutely lovely the weather was (it was like 60 degrees today, sunny and spectacular). We slipped in just a bit late but not too late to enjoy holiday music via hand bells. I have never seen this live and it was pretty neat.
Afterwards, we walked about a mile down the main road to the Museum of Newport Irish History Interpretive Center. I read that they were having a free exhibit and I thought….why not??? On the way down, we stumbled on the most lovely, French inspired café and had an amazing mid-afternoon Cappuccino. Continuing on…upon arriving, the curator greeted us with a warm greeting and introduction of the space. We toured and learned a lot about the Irish influence and history of Newport and it was interesting for sure. They offered refreshments and Celtic Holiday music was a buzz. It was a great stop.

On the way out, we decided that we would just walk on up to The Elms, another local mansion for a tour. This is where we went on Day 223 for the day of Stage Coaching but we never went inside. Today we toured with the headphone, self-guided tour and it was actually my favorite mansion so far. I just love the history and insight the tours offer- the stories behind these mansions are better than any movie or book for sure lol. Anyhow, as we toured I just thought to myself how the opulence was just so completely staggering. I felt that this was by far the most stylish and well laid mansion (although it was not the largest). Then after the inside tour, we wandered the outdoor grounds where there were grand gardens, stables, statues and more.
This day was only half done after all of that. After lunch, I had the afternoon with Micah as Elijah and his friends went ice skating as the sun went down. This was a beautiful and interesting day and these intentions were enlightening as well as entertaining. #Cheers #HGAL

Friday, December 11, 2015

Day 334 – Ice Skating

As we inch closer to the first official day of winter, my town is embracing these lovely upcoming months in true style. Just a few blocks away from my home, they just opened up the Newport Skating Center…an outdoor skating rink!! Ok, first of all….I LOVE to ice skate!! Second of all…I have never skated on an outdoor rink.

So today was the first day it was open. They had a huge celebration, hot cocoa and cookies, carolers, Santa and the elves and skating performances with a local skating academy. Vinny and I wandered over and checked things out. But we went first for dinner and waited for the mass crowd to die down a bit and they opened adult skating from 9:00-11:00 pm.
I grabbed my skates that the kids bought me for Christmas a few years back and we walked on over. Mom decided to meet us there but she wasn’t up to skating. (So nice of her though to take a bunch of pictures). She was laughing and having a great time right along with us anyways. When we got there… there really weren’t a whole lot of people. The kids and families had cleared out and we had a lot of the rink to ourselves which was awesome. By about 10:00 pm there was a lot more couples and groups of friends. The music was going and they had an awesome assortment of “club style” songs, throwbacks and some holiday music- it was perfect!

Vinny and I skated around, frontwards, backwards, he pulled me, I pulled him, played around chasing each other and I even spun around a bit! It was so much fun!! When we were done we got such a kick out of being able to just walk home in a matter of minutes. When we lived in NC, the rink was like an hour away so this was super awesome for sure. Anyhow, we look forward to going back quite often this winter and can’t wait for the kids to join us soon as well. #Cheers #HappyFriday #HGAL

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Day 333 – Impressions of Christmas

I was excited for today’s intention as I was able to experience another first for my area. Our local Newport Yacht Club (which I had not yet been to, this is different than the Yachting Center) was hosting an art exhibit. It was an exhibit of local children’s art- grades K-12 to show their impression of Christmas in Newport.

Let me say….the imagination of these talented young artists was staggering! From our landmark bridge, churches, Bowen’s Wharf and more- the spin these kids put on Newport Christmas was both interesting and intriguing. Seeing the perspective from their eye was a fun experience.
Vinny and I made our way down and from the moment we left the house I knew it would be a great night. Just as we left we heard loud Christmas music but couldn’t figure out where it was coming from. As it got louder and louder, we eventually saw a huge float, shaped like a sleigh- illuminated in many lights, escorted by the police coming up the road. Carolers were on it singing and it began our night perfectly.

As we walked along the wharf the Yacht Club, we were able to stop a few times to take pictures of the perfect, natural backdrops. When we got to the club, it was quite crowded but we made our way through to see the art. We discussed what we saw as we wandered through. Refreshments were offered in true Newport fashion.
Afterwards, we just walked around the town, taking in the sites and enjoying this lovely, warmer than usual evening. I even ran into someone I knew who was basically doing the same thing we were; just loving the evening and all this area has to offer. It’s amazing to me that when you get out there and really look – life really offers so much to do and see and smell and taste and feel. Life is a true delight of the senses. Grasp it all and enjoy!!! #Cheers #HGAL

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Day 332 – For Safyre

This morning I was scrolling around on FB and came across a post one of my friends shared from K-Love (this is the best radio station!!). Anyhow, it was a picture of the sweetest 8 year old girl who was the only survivor of a house fire 3 years ago that left her not only without her family but severely burned all over her body.

This little precious little angel was standing next to a metal Christmas card holder and all she wants for Christmas this year is to fill the card holder. The comment said, “Wouldn’t it be awesome if she has more Christmas cards than she ever dreamed of!” So, there were tons of comments and postings in a huge response from the FB fam.
I immediately knew what my intention would be today. I made a trip to the store and picked out the cutest Christmas card that had Anna from Frozen on the cover. When you open it up it sings, “For the first time in forever” loud and clear. What little girl doesn’t LOVE Frozen, right?!?! I picture her smiling so big when she opens this card and hears the song. I am so happy to be able to send it to her.

I am attaching the picture that shows the address so please feel free to get in on this and make this little girls Christmas dream absolutely come true and more!! #HGAL #liveforothers #KLOVEisamazing

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Day 331 – Brownies Day!

I was totally stoked when I saw that today is National Brownie Day! Who doesn’t love brownies, right?!?! I thought for my intention I would celebrate this day by trying something new. I decided on the Betty Crocker Peanut Butter with Hersheys and Reeses…YUM! So after dinner that’s just what I made. Usually we like the chocolate with walnuts but these were extremely good.

Then just to take things up a notch, I looked up on the National Day sight the background on this day and shared it with the fam. Did you know that brownies were first created when a group of ladies attending a fair in the late 1800’s asked a Chicago chef at the Palmer House Hotel to create a small cake-like dessert that they could take in their boxed lunch with them? To this day that same hotel serves the original recipe on their menu (it features an apricot glaze and walnuts). Anyways, it was a fun fact to go along with our tasty treat.

Today was a good day. #Cheers #HGAl

Monday, December 7, 2015

Day 330 – La Salette

I first heard of this famous New England tradition from my friend Tammy. When I mentioned it to Vinny he said he too grew up going here during the holidays with his parents and family. This is a famous shrine built after the beautiful French town nestled in the Alps. The story of La Salette is both moving and inspiring and a great story to look up. However, being there in person is something quite amazing. The story is on the monuments and statues to give you the full picture of how it came to be as well as giving excerpts from the greatest story ever told.

From the manger with a live donkey, to the stairs leading to an image of Christ, to the over 350,000 Christmas lights- this was a place to simply marvel and be moved. I am happy that my family and Elijah’s girlfriend Mattie all got to go. We had a fun and spirited ride into Attleboro, Massachusetts. When we got there we walked and talked and took pictures. We read the stories and in certain places paused to ponder. At one point as we came across a field of animal cut outs, we even picked out which one we felt represented us best and why- which was a fun little twist. This is definitely an awesome holiday tradition and I am thankful to have gone. #Cheers #HGAL


Sunday, December 6, 2015

Day 329 – Christmas Cookie Decorating

Happy Sunday! Today I met up with some friends to go to the Vanderbilt Grace Hotel for Christmas Cookie Decorating. I went before with a different group of ladies for Halloween Cookie Decorating, so I felt like a seasoned pro when I showed up today. The same chef was there and remembered me which was nice.

All of us ladies just chatted and caught up all while listening to Polar Express play overhead as we decorated until our hearts were content. Complimentary apple cider was offered which was a nice touch. This is such a classy hotel and they do not miss a beat. Everyone from the doorman, wait staff, front desk to the chef and everyone in between treats you like pure royalty the entire visit and this is quickly becoming one of my favorite places to go in this town.
Anyhow, all of us girls made our plans to meet up again real soon and I look forward to it. Meanwhile, I brought my cookies home to the family and they just loved them! They are festive, fun and so delish!! Cheers and Happy Sunday!!! #HGAL

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Day 328 – Christmas Cards and Tree Lighting

With all the holiday activities going on around town this weekend, it was hard to choose what to do for my intention today. I came across the coolest activity going on at the Seamen’s Church Institute which is a building I literally pass every day but have never been in. I wasn’t quite sure even what it was really. When we walked in I was surprised to see a beautiful grand room with a café and tables for eating and/or activities. Upon further wandering I realized that within that building not only is there the Aloha Café, there is the “Crows Nest” lodging facility and a chapel. This building was so unique in every way and completely charming to say the least.

So they were having an event called “Christmas Cards for Mariners”. The public was welcome to drop in to warm up with hot chocolate and write a Christmas card to be delivered to men and women serving on the seas this Christmas. This is such a large Navy town and I thought this would be a magnificent intention. Although we got there just moments before they were closing, I was able to fill out my card and I truly hope it brings joy and comfort to someone this season.
Afterwards, we went over to have a cocktail at our favorite spot- The Red Parrot. Then we walked around Bowen’s Wharf to take part in the festivities for a couple of hours. There was a live band caroling for quite some time and they were really good! The crowd was singing along, kids were dancing and even Frosty the Snowman was there. Vinny and I stopped to relax a bit with some warm drinks- I got hot chocolate and he got a cappuccino. We watched the sun set over the water and with the Christmas lights, music and people- it really was quite lovely.

We stayed for the countdown of the huge Christmas tree lighting and then we were off. Santa and Mrs. Claus arrived by boat and then there were fireworks- all to end a wonderfully festive evening. #HGAL #HappyHoliday

Friday, December 4, 2015

Day 327 – Giant Gingerbread

For today’s intention, Vinny and I went to the Newport Visitors Center to see New England’s Largest Gingerbread House. When we walked in, I don’t really know what I was expecting to see as far as size but this was simply amazing! It was not just a gingerbread house….in true Newport fashion it was a gingerbread lighthouse. As we walked in the room we could smell the sweet, fragrant, delicious smell of the gingerbread. My mouth absolutely dropped open when I saw the sheer size of the 16 foot lighthouse. It is composed of 350 pounds of gluten-free organic gingerbread, 20 gallons of royal icing and 2,400 pieces of candy and giant lollipops. It was set up in a scene that included faux snow and reindeer, all quite festive indeed.

There were other activities going on as well. Santa came to see the kids and take pictures. Also, they had tables set up for kids to draw pictures and write letters to Santa and put them in the mailbox by the tree. It was such a precious scene. And to perfectly top things off, they had a large sleigh being filled with non-perishable food items to be donated to the food pantries for those in need. Vinny and I brought some canned goods to go in the sleigh as well.
This was a fun intention for sure to kick off the weekend and a good cause to support in the process. Cheers and Happy Friday!! #HGAL

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Day 326 – Festival of Lights

Let the holiday festivals begin! Today for my intention, Vinny and I went to Wickford Village to kick off the season with the Festival of Lights. There were tons of people there. Santa Claus arrived by firetruck- lights and sirens going and all. There was a live chorus led by a large group of children singing Christmas hymns. Hot cider and hot chocolate were being served with snacks as well. The town was lit up with so many lights that were beautifully reflecting off the ocean waters surrounding the area.

Vinny and I walked around the town, enjoying the lights and festivities. We stopped for a hot cup of cider that perfectly warmed us right up and was super delicious as well.  We enjoyed the chorus singing live and watched the fire truck roll up. It was funny because at first we didn’t realize what was happening, we just heard the sirens and saw the lights- but the firetruck was moving slowly. Then it stopped and when Santa got out the kids went absolutely nuts with excitement. The entire scene was so nice. Apparently, tomorrow and Saturday Santa arrives by boat surrounded by elves on kayaks. It’s too bad we have other plans cause that would have been a fun sight as well.
Just a bit later, the town Christmas tree was lit. There was a countdown that everyone in the audience participated in. After the Christmas tree was lit they started playing lovely holiday music that echoed through the town. People were walking around, enjoying the shops and you could literally feel the fun in the air. People were laughing and talking and there was just a holiday buzz throughout.

This was such a nice intention and sure to be the first of many holiday festivities. I just LOVE this time of year. #HappyHolidays #HGAL

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Day 325 – Recent Events

As I heard and watched the news today and saw the mayhem and madness unfolding in San Bernadino, California- I just felt overwhelmed. Another mass shooting. I feel overwhelmed with emotion and grief for those who have lost their lives as well as the families now left behind. It seems as though every week there is another mass shooting or major incident here or somewhere around the world. I cannot wrap my mind around it and although it may not have affected me or my family directly, I have a deep sense of sadness when I hear of yet another awful situation. I’m ok to allow myself a bit of sadness over these horrific scenes- it lets me know I’m not numb to the chaos of the world.

So today as Vinny and I were talking about it all after dinner I asked Vinny if for my intention we could just pray together for all of those affected. With everything off (no TV, music, etc), holding hands we prayed for those lost souls and families in San Bernadino, Paris and all around the world. We prayed for the innocence caught up in war ravaged areas- going through atrocities you and I could never fathom. We prayed for those that are homeless, hungry and sick. We prayed for our family and friends to stay safe and united in these most dangerous times. And of course we prayed for Heathers husband and children- this time of year can’t be easy for them.
I ask of you only this, dear readers, to join with me now in prayer for those victims of these awful slayings. No matter your religious preference or background- we are all human beings and in this life together. #peacetoall #HGAL

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Day 324 – Gin Rummy

Originally, I had an awesome outdoor intention planned for the day. Unfortunately, Mother Nature had other plans- so it was cancelled. It started raining this afternoon and just hasn’t stopped. We need the rain so I’m not complaining but I hope the town reschedules the outdoor event I had planned to go to…so stay tuned!

As I was trying to decide what I could do indoors as an intention, I have no idea what made me think of this but I wanted to play Gin with Vinny. This is a game that we play on every cruise we have been on. In the afternoon, we would get a couple of drinks, find a cozy spot and play for hours at least one day of our vacation. It quickly became our cruise game and we talked about it tonight and reminisced as we played.
I wrapped up with my blanket after dinner and the two of us played for a while right there on the couch. As usual, Vinny beat me but that’s ok by me- we were laughing and talking and playing cards on a rainy Tuesday night. I’m just not sure it gets much better than that, right?!?! Simple, fun and relaxing. We planned a rematch for this weekend and I look forward to it! #HGAL

Monday, November 30, 2015

Day 323 – Christmas Movies

For today’s intention I decided to say goodbye to November 2015 by getting a jump start on my Christmas Movie watching. Usually it’s December that is packed full of the fun, cheerful and sometimes corny holiday classics. But it was cold outside and in the 30’s when I woke up this morning and when I got home this evening too and you know what??? It’s a perfect evening to snuggle in and watch a movie.

To take it one step further (you know I had too!), I printed out a sheet of paper with a Christmas border. Then I wrote in the center a list of the movies I want to see this holiday season. Most I have seen, but this year I added a few to the list. I asked Vinny for his input and he listed a couple he wants to see as well.
So after dinner, I made some popcorn- we turned off all the lights except all the holiday illumination around the house and watched “White Christmas” with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye. This is by far one of my favorites! The singing, dancing and lovely story line make for a holiday movie trifecta!! One of my favorite lines is when they say in a song “If you are worried and cannot sleep, just count your blessings instead of sheep and you’ll fall asleep counting your blessings.” (simply beautiful) These old-time movies are my favorite- with their corny but classic misunderstandings all to be worked out so perfectly in the end, all the while with song and dance somewhere in the middle.

I am happy to have kicked off our Christmas movie watching today. November was good to me- Cheers to December being ever more! #HGAL #goodbyeNovemberhelloDecember

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Day 322 – Deck the Halls

Today after an amazing family breakfast and Sunday services, my son Micah and I went to do some shopping and put the finishing touches on our projects from day 301 at Clayground. It was such a great afternoon just having some time to hang out a bit, talk and shop. Afterwards Vinny and I decided for my intention to decorate the house for the holidays (deck the halls- lol).

We turned on Christmas music, put on our Santa hats and got to work. In total it was about 4 hours of decorative creations. We had such a great time unpacking the old and some new items and arranging them. Last year I did the house in all turquoise and silver so this year I went with sparkly gold and red. There are a few other pops of color but mostly these.
This is such a fun and festive time of year and this is one of my favorite, cherished days of the year…setting up for the holidays. It’s so different now that the kids are older and aren’t decorating the tree with us and singing and dancing around in their holiday PJs like years of past, but I surely have the memories and enjoy making the new ones we make every year.

Tomorrow I will decorate the boys rooms downstairs and we still have to hang our outside lights but today was a full and wonderful day in every way and everyone is super happy with the outcome. #HGAL #weekendsgotofast

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Day 321 – Marble House

After beginning our morning slow and easy with coffee and a nice big family breakfast, we made our way to another mansion. Until the end of the year, all mansion tours are free for Newport residents so I intend to take full advantage. So, for my intention today, I wanted to tour the Marble House. The tour lasted about an hour and was so amazing. Today was rainy but fairly warm considering and every mansion was packed with people. With all the holiday décor and Christmas lights up at all the mansions- it makes them even that much more desirable to see.

After our tour, we wandered the grounds and went out back to the stand alone Chinese Tea House in the back yard. This mansion was very different from the Breakers in that it felt more like “home” inside. Each room had a distinct theme but they were vastly unique from one room to the next. Although each room had stark contrast- in my eyes, somehow it still worked. The rooms went from French Chic directly to Gothic- traditional to posh, etc. The entire inside was very fittingly all marble with grand chandeliers, statues, ceilings, walls and more. Built in 1892, this house was considered at that time to be the number one residence in the United States. Just a few years later, the Breakers was built and the Newport mansion building war was on! Everyone started building mansions and trying to out-do each other. Actually these two mansions were owned by the Vanderbilt brothers, which is just a fun fact. So much to learn and awe about in this grand gilded age and this lovely town I now call home.
It was another amazing tour, very informative and quite interesting and I was happy to have this as my intention today. Afterwards as we were driving and passed the beach, we noticed that there were so many surfers out (at least 30). I asked Vinny to pull over and we walked the beach listening to the large waves crash and it was sprinkling just a bit. Even though, you can simply never go wrong with spending time at the beach! #HappySaturday #HGAL

Friday, November 27, 2015

Day 320 – Holiday Boat Parade & Block Party

For my intention today I went to the Holiday Boat Parade with Vinny this evening just blocks from our home. Last year we just stood on our deck and watched but this year I wanted to be up close and personal. So glad I did because this year there was a block party as well! There were literally thousands of people throughout the town, at the Wharf, docks, piers and more. There was live music to set the scene. All the trees and streets are lit up at this time and you feel instantly in the holiday spirit. We got lucky because the weather was beautiful!! It was 55 degrees and a bit windy but still so nice.

We wandered the area and then found a nice spot on one of the piers to relax and watch the parade. People were in every nook and cranny…every dock, restaurant balcony, pier and bay. The parade was colorful, lively and festive. There were boats illuminated with Christmas trees, Santa’s, reindeer, and more. They were blowing their horns, singing and getting the crowds to sing Christmas songs and even firing the cannons!!
As we stood there I found myself thinking just how much I love it here. They have so many unique festivities and I am glad to take part in so many of them and eagerly look forward to the upcoming events of the season.

After the parade was over, we walked around a bit then made our walk back home as the temperature began to drop. This was a beautiful evening and fun intention for sure!! #Cheers #HGAL  

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Day 319 – Thanksgiving Turkey Snack

Happy Happy Happy Thanksgiving!!! Today was an awesome day. The only thing that could have made this day any better is for my oldest son to have been here as well. I’m glad he has so many friends in NC that bring him in for Thanksgiving with their families.

Meanwhile, here we went to our family’s house in Massachusetts as we did last year. Vinny’s brothers wife, Yan- cooks a feast that is amazing every single holiday. She is the most gracious hostess and the food is always perfection. This year she cooked a 36 lb turkey! 36 pounds!! I don’t think I have EVER seen a turkey that big- and it was cooked to perfection.
For my intention, I wanted to bring something that was fun, festive and still yummy. So other than bringing soda and Sangria I decided to make a turkey shaped appetizer with cheese, crackers and salami. Vinny was right there slices cheese and helping any way he could. We were both so excited when we saw it come together just right!! And sure enough when we got to their house- everyone was super excited to see it and it got eaten right away.

Today had everything Thanksgiving was meant to have….Family, friends, food, football and time to reflect on the things that matter most. I am so grateful for my faith, family, friends, good health, true happiness and this blog! I am grateful for all of you who read this blog faithfully and thank you for your continued support. I hope everyone had a fabulous, fun, safe and yummy Thanksgiving Day!! #Cheers #HGAL